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07/05/15 3:00 PM

#69566 RE: Toxic Avenger #69562

I like reading your posts, Kezzek, if, for no other reason, I'm reminded there are those more jaded and cynical than I with respect to clown car Medinah. ;-) I also acknowledge the logic of your analysis of the 150MM.

Let's hope the minions are right- we get some intelligible communication of progress this week. Let's hope an adult who speaks english as a first language proofreads same before it hits the presses. We have 90 days of an IR firm theoretically paid for, it would be great for them to take the helm.

What confuses me still, is- who is the intended audience for whatever message they want to send? There are certainly a lot of moving parts, and sadly, different agendas in play here.