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07/04/15 11:47 AM

#86021 RE: Edward #86019

I agree again on all counts.
Also, I used to assume that one of the good things about Wotton is that he gave up a well paying job at his previous firm to come to Ocata because he saw the great potential here.
I no longer feel that way and believe that at he may have been told to resign or be fired and/or because he saw the great possibilities at Ocata for himself of being able to take the potential of the company and make good use of it by bs'ing and stringing investors along for a long time and at he same time receiving a fat salary and other perks such as the options.
As you say, in all fairness the company may have hired him for the second reason you state.
Conclusion-until proven otherwise, I regard Wotton as a self-serving snake and/or a predator.
I will glady admit my error in assessment if and when he proves me wrong.
Caso cerrado!