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07/04/15 11:38 AM

#94049 RE: es1 #94047

I see your rationale but i'd love to hear it from Kim directly....

Which I doubt will happen:

If we can't get info on many of KBLB's progressions, what makes you think Kim is going to want to discuss past financing particulars?

Blessings to All



07/04/15 12:55 PM

#94056 RE: es1 #94047

"Personal meaning HE borrowed it for HIS purpose and HE is obligated to buy pay it back. "

last time i checked HE had sold around 56 million shares of kblb stock that HE gave to HIMSELF which at around 4 cents a share, is about $2.5 mil...

why do you think HE went public as a pink sheet stock?...