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06/09/06 3:09 PM

#6714 RE: kenbuddy #6707

Franklin Mining - FMNJ - Est. 1864 -
Gold & Silver Precious Metals -

kenbuddy thank You, well the investments was
established as a place for family, friends,
acquaintances to be informed about world market
conditions and as a place to preserve their
capital by investing in the only form of
real money - Gold and Silver.

* Biblical records show that gold and silver are
the first and oldest form of money -
the only money that has not failed -
and a source of notable value -
for over 5000 years!

Can you name one fiat currency that has lasted -
through even a few centuries let alone -
a few millennia like gold and silver? -
No the real money is only -
Gold and Silver.

* Biblical reasons why real money and wealth -
is Gold and Silver -

* The Hebrew word for money is “keceph”, which
is translated to mean “Silver.”

* The King James Bible mentions -
Gold 417 times -
Silver 320 times -
and money -
which is mentioned 140 times -
refers to -
Silver and Gold.

Not once does it mention a paper currency!

* Gold and silver are mentioned all through
the bible as real wealth, even through -
the end of Revelation.

* From Genesis to Revelation -
gold and silver are the only God-ordained monetary
assets that will maintain their purchasing power
until the day of the Lord’s wrath.

Unless the United States gets all of its economic
house in order ? -
Gold will become the basic real money again -
(which Gold has been for 1000's of years)

and national currencies will only be money -
if backed by - Gold.

With the exception only of the periods of -

- The Great Gold Standard -

practically all governments of history -

have used their exclusive power to issue fiat money -

to defraud with totalitarian bureaucratic powers
rob, plunder and to make slaves -
of most the people.
In God We Trust.