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07/03/15 10:58 PM

#43471 RE: Slojab #43470

The Q1 filing says

On May 11, 2015 the Nevada Secretary of State accepted for filing a Certificate of Amendment decreasing the Company’s authorized common stock from 8,964,324,990 with a parvalue of $0.00001 to 946,821,999 with a par value of $0.001, to increase the Company’s authorized preferred stock from 35,675,010 to 53,178,001 with a par value of $0.001, and to cancel and retire the Company’s Series F and Series G Preferred Stock. The amendment was approved by the shareholders and directors on March 23, 2015.

Not really an explanation...though they'll have reverse split most shareholders out of their shares with a couple more of these...

Probably planning to uplist.