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07/03/15 7:17 AM

#17254 RE: janice shell #17253

Someone did not wanted for this transaction ( Lazada deal) to go through that's why you see price to dropp so quick over past couple of month. I will not be surprised if we see price going up slowly now that the deal is of the table . We will see I guess . I have a very big position here and I am holding .


07/03/15 11:04 PM

#17257 RE: janice shell #17253

My educated guess is that Lizada thought it would be easy to find other investors to pitch in money but things got complicated when they had to reveal it was Medbox that would be the target. I think the Medbox name is pretty well tarnished at is point and it prevented Lizada from raising the necessary funds.

Btw...I expect the long lost news that Medbox has been holding onto to be released in the next few weeks. The actual event actually happened awhile ago but I guess they had to dot the T's and cross the I's.