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07/02/15 1:20 PM

#60497 RE: watchingsum #60495

I agree 100% ! The signs were there and I also relied on his past reputation.


07/02/15 1:52 PM

#60498 RE: watchingsum #60495


expensive lesson here for sure

Biggest one i take away is NEVER put the kind of money i did into a sub penny deal again.

Unfortunately, as is sometimes the case, damn things started moving right after i got in and that always warps the logic side a bit. That and his, supposed, reputation did me in. Luckily, i live to fight another day, but i did not need to lose what i have here that is for sure.

The person who told me about it, he did say to only get a mil or two where i first entered and to let it ride. Should have listened to that advice. Just seemed to have home run potential and never have i been in one which shut itself down. So, never saw this coming.

I've even been in a couple which got suspended, that i understand, i can live w that. But this ????