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07/02/15 11:43 AM

#178467 RE: Newly2b #178466

"difference between a long/short and a pumper/basher is merely on one hand the poster's desire to express their POV and OTOH a desire to manipulate others' opinions and actions."

I disagree.

On the penny stock boards at least the difference is generally the desire of some to make a fast buck at the expense of others (the OTC is very much a zero sum game) and on the other hand either the desire to stop the deliberate fleecing of the naive and gullible, or just a forensic interest in those running such pump and dump schemes, how they are run and who the players are.

There's certainly no financial incentive for the vast majority of those posters who like to spend time investigating and then exposing the true nature of the many evident scams operating on the US OTC market.