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07/01/15 3:03 PM

#73100 RE: Btsmith25 #73095

Your right been buying silver for a while now...It's what you call a solid asset.


07/01/15 3:46 PM

#73108 RE: Btsmith25 #73095

I have a distorted philosophy? Are you kidding? WE are NOW over the tipping point......over 50% of housholds in the USA receiving checks from a broke government.....state gov't and the feds. Your Obama has added MORE debt thaN ALL THE OTHER PRESIDENTS COMBINED.....and by the time he takes his racist self back to Chicago, we will have reached almost 24 TRILLION IN DEBT. Socialists LOVE to spend other peoples money EVEN WHEN WE ARE ALMOST BANKRUPT. Obama and his lefist friends LOVE the European model and has trashed the USA ever since 2008. Greece's model is where we are heading: spend billions they don't have, feed everyone, enormous pensions and their Obama-like president doesnt want to rein in the free spending fools in their gov't. They even send disability checks to PEDIFILES, saying they have an illness and can't help themselves. (Sound familiar? Half this country claim to be bi-polar and can't work......and get checks from the ones that DO work). TOTAL INSANITY.