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06/30/15 9:00 PM

#85490 RE: Vapobag #85489

C'mon, Vape- you want ME to "promote" RIGH for ya? ;-)

Here ya go! ;-)


There ya go!

You're welcome. ;-)

Of course, I would remind everyone that this is from Angel's "blog", not an official "Investor Communication" website.

Neither the official IR website nor the PRs say anything about Futurola.

The SEC is very fussy about false or misleading claims in official Investor Communications, don'tcha know....

But the blog just chronicles Angel's "Personal Journey", la,la, la...

(Wotta load)

As a point of interest, when Angel first put up the "NEW" site (the official Investor Relations website), he had a link to this "blog."

Someone must have wised him up because the link was removed within a few days. Even linking to the "non-official" blog from the official IR website would have made it an "official" investor communications portal.

NOT what Angel wants to use his "Personal Journey" blog for.

Of course, he would never misuse the blog to say things that he couldn't say on an Investor Relations site because they weren't true... or were misleading... now would he? ;-)

Just sayin'...

Unfortunately, with RIGH CEO Aaron "Angel" Stanz, you DO need to parse words, even on unofficial blogs.

And he never actually says Evergreen has the rights to Futurola products- he just says "...non-THC products, such as the Tommy Chong roller and papers from Futurola".

But that's the same thing, RIGHt? ;-)

Best to all.