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06/30/15 8:26 PM

#304836 RE: navycmdr #304834

We will Unelect every Crook in Congress

Starting with that TBTF Apologist Ed RINO Royce.

not one red cent ~NORC~

06/30/15 8:56 PM

#304839 RE: navycmdr #304834

Should start to snowball now. Media are like sharks...docile and disinterested until they see other sharks swimming towards prey


07/01/15 12:50 AM

#304857 RE: navycmdr #304834

If/when major media covers this, hilarious idiots taking "both sides" will be fun to watch! A topic comes up, each guest on the news commentary shows has read a blurb about the topic given to them by the show's producers to read before the show, and suddenly they are all cast as "experts", even though they speak in only the broadest, most general terms when commenting and debating with each other. It will be most to watch the various hired stooges they put on the air to defend the gvt's position in all of this! They'll predictably keep repeating "it's for the taxpayers' protection", and no on will point out that the law requires, as the Yale professor wrote in today's piece, that conservators protect the shareholders, not any third party aug as "taxpayers". It'll be a fun few days of news show idiocy if this story can ever be made "exciting" or controversial enough for such shows.