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Black Beerd

06/30/15 2:45 PM

#205573 RE: Dennisb68 #205572

"And he doesn't learn from his mistakes."

Who said it was a mistake/s? IMO... they were intentional and he knowingly along with the "INFAMOUS & COMPLICIT GALPAL" aka:Int'l sales mgr know/knew full well what they were doing and why. The world of dilution and the impact of toxic funding is a dark place that most don't recover from as we are witnessing here.

All just my opinion


06/30/15 2:51 PM

#205574 RE: Dennisb68 #205572

He's proven by his own plethora of actions/words/results to be an oh so typical pos-land grifter who never worries about any of his carrot dangling words ever coming full circle!

The fact that instead of revealing his Q1 fins which he could easily do on his precious bamboozler blog with the click of a button he chooses to deliver all the red tape for up to $10M worth of new dilution...only goes to show how far off the rails he's gotten ever since creating his pompous azz great babblin' bamboozler blog 6 years ago!

He actually enjoys making himself look like a fool otherwise he wouldn't keep putting out all the deceptive timeline promises on his blog over the past 6 years and not delivering on soooooooooo many of them!

I mean even the reverse split of 2 years ago didn't give him any wake up call of any kind...because he immediately proceeded to pump out all sorts of hogwash blogs about uplisting, providing fully audited fins, filing an S1, supposedly regaining SEC registered status, supposedly delivering a 200 store rollout in Q1 2015 etc etc etc...only to have his patterned results of the past 2 years speak for themselves ie:

Lots of blog smoke and mirrors while eric the emperor with no clothes diluted the post r/s share price down to no bid from its 5 cent per share starting price!

And now the stage is set for the fat lady to sing her reverse split tune eric and his gal pal can try to dilute some more discount stock while eric prepares to blog up a chitstorm about what a world beater WNBD's gonna be someday soon hahahahahahha