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06/30/15 1:53 PM

#3036 RE: Hamilcar54 #3034

Sorry, but it should be very clear by now that the guy who negotiated the buy-out of Acor/Sakhai was Petersen, a Director of Holloman Corp. He went against his Fiduciary Duty to both Holloman and Henc and offered to put it into a separate entity.
That is the fact.
Forget about claiming WI back from Pville and forget about Holloman putting up money. They are on the way out, don't you get it!
Chauncy's friend is the only hope. Btw, if Henc does not pay up for the first well, and no other well is drilled before 2016, then Henc is out of 444 completely, because the farmin agreement calls for Henc to drill one well...

Talking about management, let us not forget that Tgc raised $500k in January, at 20 cents (when the stock was trading well below 20) and most of it was subscribed for by management.
As for Peter Cockcroft, read my earlier info on him. Yes, he is a lecturer, that's it. No hands-on experience. And isn't Kairiki bankrupt? At least that is what the chart says.