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06/08/06 1:11 PM

#176631 RE: itrade4profit2 #176625

itrade4profit2: Its in the contract. You may want to read it! And yes they can be sued for breaking the agreement if they released info without CC's concent. Hmm sounds like you think you could do better running a public company? Why arnt you if you know it all lol?? You like to critisize but you know zip about owning and running a business let alone a public one.

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06/08/06 1:36 PM

#176678 RE: itrade4profit2 #176625

He has made it blatantly obvious that the shareholder's are as important to him as a ant farm! He doesn't care end of story there will alway be newbies buying shares not knowing that the printing press never stops here. When it gets uber ugly the R/S will happen. The moral is don't trust JF or Chip!!