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06/27/15 12:15 PM

#5651 RE: interstate #5650

Timing is everything here....

There are hedge funds that aren't authorized to even take a look at a stock, until it has reached a certain dollar amount.

If the pull this off, followed by either the NDA filing or a JDA (Joint Development Agreement), they could be well on their way.

It then becomes a point of : "convince me why I should be prepared to pay "x" amount per share to invest in your company."

I believe they could pull it off....

Time will tell; as the purpose is to make it fairly priced, or priced in such a way that others will view the opportunity to invest, one that definitely shouldn't be passed up.

Keep in mind also, that the FDA has six months to make a decision on Probuphine; though I don't feel it will take the entire time....

Blessings to All