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06/27/15 7:32 AM

#43007 RE: Raider21 #43004

This blog post suggest HTQ found a wreck.......but

didn't finish a survey. I don't know if this pre-dates the alleged illegal activity by HTQ, but if they found a wreck why isn't SFRX on top of it...if this is blog post is legit.

Re: the state of floridas " catch 22" why they HAD to change their salvage process

Brad, HRD and Heartland Treasure Quest have both applied and have both been denied. HRD for lack of sufficient proof that they had found a shipwreck, and Heartland was denied because they didn't finish the job. HRD's deal was subject to personal interpretation of "what constitutes a shipwreck site". Sure they had artifacts, but not enough to impress the state apparently.

Heartland wisely made their deal in advance with the writing. The deal was very clear cut, and they had a LARGE exploration lease to work. They agreed to do a bathymetric survey of their exploration lease while looking for their wreck. Problem is, when they found the wreck, they decided that they didn't have to complete the survey of the rest of the box. The state would not give them a salvage lease until they completed the terms of the agreement, and finished the survey. Rex Stocker went out on a limb (a very thin and unstable limb) and wrote to Ryan Wheeler's boss asking why the state was not working with him, and what it would take to get some competent people in there to do the job. Ryan and Roger were shown this letter, and Rex is now fighting a loosing battle. Other than those two, I'm not aware of anyone else applying for a salvage lease.

Mad4Wrecks, Jim Sinclair was grandfathered into that clause. Jim is not a member of the RPA, yet he IS on the list of approved archaeologists for the state of Florida, and he is available to work with salvors here in Florida and abroad. This information comes from the state offices recently, so if you've heard differently I'd like to know from where so we can add it to our list of things to discuss at the meeting next week.


And also, could the latest Q read the way it does because of the DEP and Corp have come up with another hoop SFRX has to jump through to work on site?

Re: Florida's Coin Collection

HRD has had an exploration lease with the state of Florida on their e-110 and e-132 areas continually since 1993. (that shows you how scattered these wrecks are and how difficult it is to pinpoint the primary cultural deposit) We are in the process of another renewal. It seems they (the DEP and Army Corp of Engineers-not the state) make it more and more difficult every year. Just when we think we have done everything they require, they come back with something else. While frustrating, I see nothing standing in our way of getting our permits for 2007.

You may be right Mariner, the area that Heartland Treasure Quest has made their most recent discovery may be an area that has been under an exploration lease for some time already.
