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06/26/15 12:10 PM

#179343 RE: EarlyOne #179342

Of course there would be (pitfalls)...Just rambling here...

...pitfalls...and a more youthful age for departure from this
"mortal coil" as the Bard wrote in Shakespearean/Elizabethan
times -- MY favorite and preferred time or era into which I'd
RATHER have been born and in which I'd rather have lived (than
these wretched times).

Sorta Disclaimer -- Oh sure, we've done really GREAT in Space -
Astronomy - Exploration and several other science disciplines,
all of which has been wonderful and splendid to behold.

And yet, sadly and with angst-in-my-pants and real regret, when
balanced-out...I'd take Shakespearean/Elizabethan England.

Blessings and Bounty to us all...and the USA which direly needs it.