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06/24/15 7:51 PM

#304174 RE: Hvp123 #304171

From comments.
Can someone please comment on this .

timdillen commented on June 24, 2015 at 7:42 pm

Question: Assume the government warrants are invalid. Upon release Ackman will have voting control of Fannie and can replace the board.

I can’t see the government turning over fannie to a hedge fund.

Surely I have this wrong??


06/24/15 9:44 PM

#304182 RE: Hvp123 #304171

Bottom of the third. It's wasteful litigation, attempting to expose information Plaintiff feels will aid their cause via public sentiment. Their odds of prevailing now appear to depend heavily on their ability to drag the Government through the mud - they've given up on developing their case.

The longer they prolong amending the complaint, the further away a potential final judgment becomes.