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06/24/15 3:35 PM

#249878 RE: coachum #249870

How irresponsible of you to tell people to buy! This is like every other penny stock... Pure garbage! Instead of wasting money on garbage go get an education and learn. I played mine when I was a sheep about a year and a half ago. Sold at .016 down from.03 then I went and spent my money on an education. Now I would never trade a penny stock again. Just som advice cause I was in the same boat at one point. Good luck!


06/24/15 3:39 PM

#249881 RE: coachum #249870

I'm with you coachum. Moving everything into this opportunity.


06/24/15 4:13 PM

#249895 RE: coachum #249870

Nothing has changed within the company

Don't forget the additional QUARTER MILLION DOLLARS of TOXIC debt.