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06/25/15 7:37 AM

#69415 RE: Beth0515 #69410

Question- Is a prerequisite having professional credentials revoked to protect the public from one's craven/thieving nature, or is this resume item optional?

Answer - in the fetid swamp we call the pink sheets, this item on one's resume is a must. In fact, Les hit a home run here by stealing from elderly widows. It makes him eminently qualified to be the spokesperson for a craptastic company like MDMN.


06/25/15 9:54 AM

#69416 RE: Beth0515 #69410

Beth, it's a truism that one can be judged by the company he/she keeps. In this case do we question the judgement of JJ, Chapin et. al or simply lump them in the same catagory as LP?

I don't believe LP sought out JJ so he can be rehabilited by JJ. No self respecting attorney would get involved with such deviats as LP.

Medinah's history has been mired with questionable actors and actions with desired results for the perpetrators and with dramatically unfavorable outcomes for many of us who trusted our sources as bonifide.

I am on record as having totally mixed feelings re this company but I lean mostly on the side of it being a scam at worst and totally void of any real substance to ineptitude and greed at best.

Yes there were times when I felt there was a great potential, but those were fleeting moments. I take responsibility for my lack of discipline in finally throwing out my good judgement and believing a friend's representation of this scam. I bought at or near the highs and worst yet brought along friends in my sphere of influence to this party. For that I am doubly shameful.

I should have traded when I held for the run that never materialized. You'll see in my posts how I doubted the purported reason of this recent wedding with Auryn. The entire Auryn setup was a mystery to me and still is.

I keep on asking the question, if this is a "world class" property why has it not been devoured by the "world class" miners. Too many games and for too long. I know the smart answer is the majors will not undertake exploration but will pay a premium to the juniors for their efforts and results. That's too convenient of an answer.

I have all but written off this scam. I don't believe we have much of a chance of ever reaching the old highs either.

I think this whole thing with Auryn will wind down this year and finally we will see this scam for what it is.

Even if the claims are truly rich it is doubtful we will see any benefit certainly in the present structure with Auryn et. al.

Over 1.3 billion shares outstanding and the $100M option money translate to nothing to hold for. Yes there is the question of what value to assign to the 15%. The question is when the mountain will be properly explored and to whose benefit will the windfall from the exploration redown if and when the results are as anticipated by us who are holding for that pay day.

Too many questions with too many scam artists and for too long.

Now we are to believe that Auryn will continue the exploration of the claims if it gains control of JJ's shares. Really?

Why didn't 't Auryn anticipate any issues in advance with JJ's holdings? I don't see how JJ is more of a threat to Auryn now any more or less than he was when Auryn agreed to the option agreement. What changed?

Supposedly Auryn had a free and unfettered look into all aspects of Medinah. What is the dilemma now? Why aren't we further ahead in the exploration? Where are the drills?

So now Auryn will send or has sent rocks to the labs for analysis. Ok, I'm ready for the results of the tests. Spring it on me.
