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06/24/15 4:09 PM

#43282 RE: zstrata #43279

Two possible reasons. #1, there have been days with volume in the hundreds of thousands. It was rare, but it has happened a couple times since February. So it is possible that some shareholders have already done so. #2, there may not be any shares to buy. Who would be selling at this price?


06/25/15 12:17 AM

#43284 RE: zstrata #43279

I don't know about anyone else but I bought enough to average my initial purchase @ approx. .43/share down to .04/share. I think when the smoke clears and the cell doors clang shut, EXBX shares should have no trouble reaching my break even point. Also, I had to save back enough in the kitty to pay our lawyer to file my answer to the papers I was served with two days ago. Retired and on broke income (there ain't a damned thing fixed about it), got to watch the pennies when you got shyster crooks tryin to get your last dime with ridiculous reverse splits and such.


06/25/15 12:20 PM

#43291 RE: zstrata #43279

I tried to purchase 250k last month.....order was never filled...even partially