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06/24/15 12:24 PM

#345393 RE: cowtown jay #345392

I see the Homeland Security beginning to take an active role in investigating these kind of financial crimes...better late than never!


06/24/15 12:58 PM

#345394 RE: cowtown jay #345392

I discussed the charges in the Rudy case, as they involved a ring of serial penny stock manipulators, including one of whom was partenered with a stock manipulator who was active in the SpongeTech market.

This is common in the penny market - there is no surprise with this
action. SPNG was set up as a scam from day one. People were warned here about the scam from the very beginning.

There were so many holes in the SPNG hype story and misdirection from SPNG it was imposable miss them


06/24/15 4:46 PM

#345395 RE: cowtown jay #345392

And again it has NOTHING to do with SPNG and the boolsheet "NSS conspiracy" that some unicorn hunters continue to push.

SPNG was a straight-up scam for Mosky and Metter to print and dump unregistered shares.

Still waiting for the next tranche of worthless letter to some judge, some senator, some attorney general - all written in gibberish which lacks evidence, logic, or any coherency - and get kicked to the round file.

Can't wait!

When are the worldwide global settlement packages going out to all SPNG shareholders?