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06/24/15 12:14 PM

#52071 RE: Stockman1010101 #52069

Your entry point is better than most here!

This thing was trading at a penny last spring so over the course of a year, we have watched this stock decline in value by 90%.
One would hope that this is the floor but we have thought that many times and it just keeps dropping.
It is hard to trust the company because they say they are profitable yet they continue to dump more shares onto the shareholders to operate. The shareholders are constantly expected to pay their bills and to pay for managements lavish lifestyles. When they need more money, they simply print more shares to dump on us. The shares have gone from about 12 million to now around 750 million in just a few years and now they say they are about to raise them again. Not sure if it will be a billion shares or 1.5 billion shares. We don't know yet. We just know another increase is coming. They sprung this on us during the last EOY non conference call. Well, they call it a conference call but shareholders are not allowed to participate or ask any questions. I am pretty sure Paul and Steve go over their call, practice, record it and then just play their recording for us when it is time for their annual non conference call. Or they just have it memorized what to say because they say the same exact things every year.
This company does not believe in PR. So you need to know from the beginning not to expect news. They don't even think that landing a contract with Chick-fil-A is newsworthy. The only way we know they have them as a client now is that they are listed as one of their clients on their website. Whoever is in charge of PR for the company is absolutely clueless and do not understand that in order for investors to buy shares in your company, they first need to know that you exist. They keep their company a secret and their shareholders are constantly left in the dark.
Lastly, they do not have their numbers audited and verified. We do not have any way of knowing that their 12 million in revenue last year or 3 million in the first quarter this year is true. All we have is their word. Many of us have called or emailed and asked why they are not a full reporting company since they have that kind of revenue. It is understandable companies that have no revenue not reporting but when you have 12 million in revenue or claim to have that kind of revenue, you should report it. They simply tell us that it is too time consuming to be a fully reporting company and that is not something the are interested in spending time or energy on. Kind of makes you wonder why they became public in the first place if they didn't want shareholders seeing their numbers.
So there you have it. You wonder why this is trading at .001 so here are just a few reasons why. Most of their shareholders have given up and jumped ship because it is pretty obvious that for whatever reason, this management is happy with their stock trading down at these levels. Some feel that it is their goal to actually push it down lower into the trips. You might want to wait and see before jumping in. You don't have anything to loose by waiting. There is nothing to give us any indication that this is going up or that management has any plans to bring any awareness to it at all. I would wait for trips if I were you.
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06/24/15 1:46 PM

#52075 RE: Stockman1010101 #52069

Yes, on balance I agree, cheers and good luck.