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06/25/15 8:18 AM

#13646 RE: FadeMeToWin #13643

Good to see ya Fade....hope all's well


07/02/15 7:24 PM

#13650 RE: FadeMeToWin #13643

Jim Carrey Has Been Getting Blasted for Opposing Vaccines — Now Ron Paul Has Come to His Defense

Former Republican presidential candidate and Congressman Ron Paul (R-Texas) has some choice words for California’s latest law.

Taking a controversial stance, Paul went to Facebook to blast the California law mandating vaccines for children, writing:

“Should the state be able to force you to vaccinate your children if you want them to be able to go to school? California Governor Jerry Brown thinks so – he signed a new law removing exemptions. Watch today’s Liberty Report – your medical freedom and civil liberties are at stake!”

In addition to warning Americans that their freedoms are “at stake,” he also lambasted the law as “Corporate Fascist.”

Paul’s Facebook post links to a YouTube video, in which Paul explains his opposition to the California law and mentions his support for actor Jim Carrey, who launched a Twitter tirade against Governor Jerry Brown:

“Jim Carrey, an actor, came forth and he volunteered his position, which I think is pretty accurate — He called the governor a ‘corporate fascist.'”

Remarks by Paul have been a thorn in the side of his son’s presidential campaign. Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) has been mounting a 2016 White House run, with little reference to his father’s libertarian activities.

Rand himself hasn’t avoided controversy. Earlier this week, he held a private meeting with Cliven Bundy, the Nevada rancher who engaged in a standoff with federal authorities over cattle grazing rights. At the meeting, Paul said:

“I think that the government shouldn’t interfere with state decisions, so if a state decides to have medical marijuana or something like that, it should be respected as a state decision.”

While Paul says “the science hasn’t been settled,” there has been no evidence that vaccines have any link to the diagnosis of autism.

You can watch Ron Paul’s full video below:
