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06/22/15 2:31 PM

#52046 RE: HUONG #52045

Agree! Since the company never puts out PR,

We need to hear from people who have business dealings with ACGX and PeopleVine so that we know they are still open for business. There is no indication otherwise. I have never seen a more silent company. Why do you suppose it is that they try to keep their existence a secret? They supposedly have over 12 million in revenue yet nobody has ever heard of them.
Seriously, who is in charge of the PR for ACGX? They should be fired! When you look at the client list for ACG, you see companies like Chick-fil-A. Yet you have to dig around on their company websites to find this information out. I am sorry but it is just common sense that when you are a small company and you land a client like a Chick-fil-A, you report it. You don't keep that a secret. Accounts like that put little companies on the map and get people to notice you. They also have a huge contract worth millions with Paul Mitchell hair products yet they haven't released anything about that relationship for over a year now.
I am just wondering why they have cut off all communication with shareholders and it is now their wish to just keep everyone in the dark as to new clients, old clients, directions and goals for the company. They are making no effort at all to get any attention and they are just letting their few shareholders that they have just give up and fall off one by one. What reason have they given shareholders to stay? And they are doing nothing to attract new shareholders so you see the result in the sinking PPS. This stock has lost 90% of it's value in the last year and they don't seem to care one bit.