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06/20/15 3:47 PM

#303844 RE: cooler_heads #303843

Lew was trying his best to duck saying "YES" to the question but ultimately none can deny he said "YES" being completely cornered by Capuano. Capuano literally got that "YES" to come out from Lew's ugly mouth and for that I commend Capuano who has shown the guts to be a hero where heroes don't seem to exist these days.


06/20/15 4:10 PM

#303845 RE: cooler_heads #303843

Normally I would agree but not in this instance, I disagree but that's ok. Either way how would a person in his position NOT KNOW the answer to that question, (rhetorical).
He looks like he was really caught off guard and looking for help on what to say.
He had three choices with the answers...
A. Yes
C. Oh shite, now what do I say, help, help!

He chose not to lie and get caught at it later. Besides, he really knows the scoop and knows this is about to blow up in his face and is thinking of ways to save face and maybe major consequences.