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06/18/15 11:55 PM

#3560 RE: tjusa02 #3559

Thing is in order to execute installs in the field in the big way HPTG is hoping to off the bat in Poland & Mexico, they will need these joint ventures to handle the scope spanning several industries. We will carry on to set up other markets as a 'franchiser' if you will ...this is just the start. Given the potential for massive revenue, our cut of this arrangement comes with far less exposure to ongoing overhead, logistics and risk in the bigger picture. Once the ball rolls and orders pour in it is practically money for nothing .. in that the subsidiaries do all the leg work and heavy lifting.

They are not starting with North America primarily because here, we do not have the same sense of urgency or will (or regulations and fines) to divest ourselves from fossil fuels. Plus fuel costs less here. The rest of the world is in fact leap frogging us in terms of switching to clean renewable's, in part because they now have to by law. In time and after these first phases (I believe the company states Phase 3 or 4 for the US), this tech will find it's way to mines, ships and the like in North America too.

Establishing JV with experienced locals, their contacts & relationships & local knowledge all built in, will also result in more receptive end users imo if the companies they are dealing with have a stake and existing reputation in their native land.

My take on this in the short term is PO's from Poland are holding out for approval of that LIFE grant and the company doesn't want to put that in jeopardy by PRing anything about it, so remains quiet on that day soon .. booom
Don't forget we obtained preliminary approval Oct/14
Now w/Mexico .. I dunno .. Hope Rog found the right guy last week.


06/19/15 12:57 PM

#3570 RE: tjusa02 #3559

It intuitive feels indeed wrong to depend on a third party.

I seem to remember that HPTG has a joint venture with the Polish investment company and HPTG has a minority stake of 25%.

Also I thought that they themselves were allowed to appoint certain boardmembers.

Furthermore, I have trouble believing that the CFO of HPTG hasn't included an escape clause in the contract related having with a performance contract. CFOs are typically very intelligent people. Have a little faith in the Board HPTG.

I wish you a pleasant continuation of your holiday.