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06/18/15 1:32 PM

#2801 RE: Hamilcar54 #2800

Say what?


06/18/15 1:43 PM

#2802 RE: Hamilcar54 #2800

I believe news is coming!


06/19/15 7:31 AM

#2815 RE: Hamilcar54 #2800

Hamilcar- As a retired Investment Banker who has dealt with "Dissident Proxy" wars in the past and due to my extensive knowledge going back to the start of both HENC and TGC, I have recently been "reached out to" for some free advice by the Dissident Group. Because of this, I have to be a bit more reserved in sharing my observations on this Board.

But for now, suffice it to say that the tangible "evidence" I have already been provided to provide my advice regarding malfeasance to its TGC shareholders by multiple members of current Management is about as compelling as I have ever seen and in my opinion based on this alone, is past the "legal" Civil stage and appears by definition to extend to probably criminal.

What is most stunning to me is that of the six man TGC BOD, of which it appears only two are knowingly complicit to the most serious violations, has been so blind to this and are allowing their names and reputations be dragged back in for re-election.

Within the next few days, IMO, TGC shareholders will see a volley of public actions, that will be very enlightening.

For full disclosure: I am a large six digit shareholder of HENC, never given a share of stock from the Company. And a small six digit shareholder of TGC, also bought in the open market at prices lower than current. As I mentioned above, my advice recently given dissident Prospective Management comes without any compensation asked for or offered.

With the above said, I have volunteered to weigh into this battle on the side that I believe will be the best interest of both Company's shareholders and will get drilling done ASAP, which in turn should allow the stock of both Companies to appreciate to a level more appropriate to their leaseholds exceptional potential. There is no question in my mind this will not happen quickly with existing Management remaining in place.