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06/17/15 11:19 PM

#26116 RE: Charvey #26115

Russell IMO. There is currently an institutional shuffling of the deck. Notice the higher volume and bigger blocks of trades going through. The weeks of Russell rebalancing are always volatile. Interesting enough, I've found that after rebalancing ends (happened w/this stock last yr and several others I have followed over time), the opposite of what most expect happens to the share price after the dust settles. Additions tend to decline in pps and deletions tend to rise after the lists are finalized.

Joe P's current litigation probably isn't allowing him to sell shares.

And why would the new $6M investor buy shares for $1 and sell them for a loss on the market. That makes no sense. Whale investors are looking to capitalize on share price appreciation, not depreciation.

As you stated, you are a new investor, and I assume you have done your DD. Time to trust it. If you are trading short-term, embrace the volatility. If you are investing longer-term, understand they're going in the right direction here, be patient, and add if your situation fits the opportunity. All the good news released recently isn't fluff. It will translate into dollars down the road, which is what skeptical investors are looking for.


06/18/15 6:19 AM

#26118 RE: Charvey #26115

The share price is at this level because that is what it's worth. There's a lot of selling going on now because there's always a lot of selling going on in every stock. With these very small cap stocks you have to think in terms of a long-term real estate investment, not a "Flip This House" kind of thing - you're basically buying into an area that's just beginning to get gentrified. In 20 years you will have made a fortune here and marvel at how inexpensive the share price was, but not by the end of this year (unless you're Chardan and predict $9 by the end of each year). Not for everyone.


06/18/15 7:25 AM

#26119 RE: Charvey #26115

who cares..
this company is just starting ..
give time time
is an old addicted saying..
Cigarettes the most profitable product on the planet:O)