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06/16/15 2:22 PM

#345382 RE: cowtown jay #345381

lol, nothing but pure fantasy jay.

it's ok to accept that SPNG was just another share printing pump and dump scam designed to rob investors blind and line the pockets of the scammers M&M.


06/16/15 3:46 PM

#345384 RE: cowtown jay #345381

Just once show proof of the so called evidence of naked short selling against the spongetech scam.

And it has been proven over and over that spongetech and the individuals running the company where scamming investors...fact!


06/17/15 5:26 PM

#345385 RE: cowtown jay #345381

Oh gosh, that's such baloney. The money is G-O-N-E and the people who took it are not "naked shorts".

That's utter nonsense, man. The "arguments" put forth in the various letters filed with the courts are nonsensical garbage - and that's why the courts kicked them to the curb.

It's just silliness, man.

There is no boogeyman under the bed or in the closet.

You have your desired blue sheets - so tell us which parties are at foult in your mental model of how you think a naked short scheme worked - and then use the blue sheet evidence to prove it.

Gosh, still pushing this same old crapola - this board will turn into another CMKX board - still hunting the NSS snipe after 15 years!

Butt keep those cards and letters to DaJudges and Senator Grassley and AG Loretta Lynch and the Pope and Queen Elizabeth coming - they're always amusing.

Come back to the SPNG board and let us know when those gold coins come raining down from the sky and the world NNS conspiracy settlement packages are sent out once the Vatican, the Queen of England, and the Rothschilds approve them.