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06/12/15 8:27 PM

#3001 RE: Solarman #2999

the time and cost I can see and understand... if shareholders are being kept in the loop so that there is an understanding of where the company is and when it will be at whatever step is next.

Ricker has been his own worst enemy and this stocks worst enemy. He will have a long way to go to gain some people's trust and regain credibility.......and the sooner he starts leveling with shareholders the sooner that process can begin.

... then there is the other possibility, that he's just stringing along one idea after another and living off the shares. It is a possibility. One that I hope is not true.

I've worked in manufacturing and computerized machining for over 5 years, finances and investments (financial planning, SEC licensed and all that fun stuff) for a number of years and currently own a small business that I started from scratch that is in it's 8th consecutive year of profitability. I Don't claim to be an expert in anything but I know enough about business to know when a company could benefit from improvements. MMMW fits the needs improvement category to say the least.

The Night Stalker

06/12/15 10:20 PM

#3002 RE: Solarman #2999

glad i never went in big yet

The Night Stalker

06/12/15 10:20 PM

#3003 RE: Solarman #2999

trades awful wtf


06/15/15 7:34 PM

#3031 RE: Solarman #2999

*** Intersolar: Global PV growth to top 50 GW in 2015, report says ***

11. JUNE 2015

According to the PV Market Alliance, 50 GW of solar PV will be installed globally this year. China, Japan and the U.S. will drive growth, while markets in Europe are expected to stabilize.

In its latest annual Global PV Market Report, launched at this year’s Intersolar Europe, currently being held in Munich, Germany, the PV Market Alliance estimates cumulative PV installations of 50 GW in 2015, up from the 40 GW installed last year.

Leading the charge will be China, which has recently raised its PV installation targets to 17.8 GW, having missed its previous two annual targets. In a report released by SolarPower Europe, formerly the European Photovoltaic Industry Association (EPIA), the association said China had installed 5 GW of PV in Q1. Achieving this year’s target, it continued, will be contingent on a number of factors, chiefly "unlocking" the distributed market.

The PV Market Alliance says China could remain the top PV market until the end of the decade, unless India manages to play catch up. In Bridge to India’s India Solar Handbook, also released at Intersolar, it said the country’s growing solar capacity could see it enter the international top five. For this year, it estimates growth of 250%. It added that while 2014 saw only 3 GW installed, it could increase this to 100 GW by 2022.

Speaking to pv magazine today at Intersolar, Gyanesh Chaudhary, the CEO of Vikram Solar further said that India’s module manufacturing capacity now standing at almost 3 GW and that the country’s solar manufacturers had "come of age."

?Japan, which connected around 9.7 GW of PV in 2014, according to SolarPower Europe, is also set to boost global solar growth, as is the U.S., which added over 6.5 GW last year. In Q1 2015, it installed 1.3 GW, according to figures from the U.S. Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA) and GTM Research, which added that solar energy accounted for 51% of all new energy generation in the quarter.

In the next five years in Europe, markets are expected to stagnate, before growing again, "powered by lowered prices and new business models." Decreasing prices and innovative business models should also help the U.S. after the expiration of its Federal 30% ITC.

Like SolarPower Europe, the PV Market Alliance says market growth up to 2020 will be uncertain, but that PV capacity could reach between 70 to 90 GW in 2020. The right frameworks and market design need to be in place. If not, the market could stumble, said the association earlier in the week in its comments on growing the solar market to 2020.

2017 onwards will see a high period of uncertainty, says the PV Market Alliance, again mirroring SolarPower Europe’s analysis, due to potential policy changes in established markets like China and the U.S., and due to the high expectations on emerging markets, like India.