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06/11/15 8:09 PM

#23443 RE: pontiacg6 #23439

Huge military applications.


06/11/15 8:17 PM

#23444 RE: pontiacg6 #23439

Effects of latency on Telesurgery - a 2005 paper coauthored by Dr. Reiza Rayman that may have been previously posted on this board:;_ylu=X3oDMTE0c2RuMHI1BGNvbG8DYmYxBHBvcwM2BHZ0aWQDRkZYVUkyOF8xBHNlYwNzcg--/RV=2/RE=1434096713/RO=10/

Also saw a more recent article on the subject based on a study in the US, but have not been able to find it yet.


06/12/15 12:33 AM

#23453 RE: pontiacg6 #23439

Telesurgery is not easy to accomplish because of the latency of the transmission of the video to the remote surgeon and the latency of getting his or her control inputs back to SPORT (plus you have to factor in the encoding latency of compressing the video, processing the inputs, etc). It could work over short distances well (like Boston to New York over a well routed Internet connection that minimizes the round trip packet time), but I don't see Toronto to Sydney working well...the lag would be way too much to operate safely.