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06/05/06 11:40 PM

#6566 RE: medicinman #6564

The Inca Gods Inti - History -

Franklin Mining - The Inca Gods Inti -

The Inca Gods Inti -
(sun) and
Quilla -
witness the crowning -

La Virgen del Cerro -

San Miguel with the cross -

medicinman, consider the San Miguel history -
Cerro Rico -
one of the major veins? -

the above old paintings gives light of a
discovery early -
of the San Miquel Veins -
now JV-owned by FMNJ -

La Virgen del Cerro -

In the top part of the painting -
the Holy Trinity, represented by three
different figures, participates in the
coronation of the Virgin Mary:

* the Eternal Father, dressed in
a pluvial cape -

* the Son, showing the priest's
accountrements for Mass -

* the Holy Spirit represented
by a white dove.

* To the left and to the right
there are the archangels.

San Miguel -

with a cross in his hands and
San Gabriel holding a heart.

This celestial scene is divided from
the terrestrial world by a glorious light
with clouds and cherubins.

The Inca Gods Inti -
(sun) and

Quilla -
(moon) witness the crowning.

In the middle part the painting shows
various allegories:

the origin of the name of the city of Potosi.

In the year 1462 the Emperor of the Incas -
Huayna Capac - came to the very place that
is now occupied by the city and was amazed
when he saw the mountain known as
Sumaj Orcko (Beautiful Mountain).

He ordered his vassals to explore the mountain.

Once they were done they heaved the uproar 'Potojsi'.

This is where the name Potosi is derived from.

In another allegory,
the discovery of Silver in the Cerro Rico -
(Rich Mountain) takes place in 1544.

The Indian Diego Huallpa -
grazed his llamas in the place which is
now the Villa.

One day some of his llamas headed towards
the mountain and one of them was lost.

In search of the lost animal Huallpa -
had to spend a night on the mountain
and because of the cold he made a small
campfire with some Keñau (a native bush)
and wild grasses which grew there.

The next morning, to his great amazament,
Huallpa discovered silver veins, melted
because of the heat of the fire.

In the lower part of the painting appear -
civil and religious authorities thanking
God -
for the wealth of the Mountain.

On the left the Pope, a Cardinal and
a Bishop are depicted.

On the right are Emperor Carlos V -
from Spain, a knight from Santiago
and the donor.

In between them a circle with a city -

Potosi -

which at that time was the center -
of economy and power -
in Latin America.

History often repeat itself -

Repeat - now the San Miguel veins -
owned by FMNJ - Comibol JV venture -

to me the FMNJ NEWS - is fabulous good -

RE: San Miquel veins - one of the early discovery
veins trusted to FMNJ -

to me -
its a very rich vein which has been
mined in the past to a cetain deepth -

below the old workings the richness will
often become richer than in the past history -

but the vein has had some shallow drilling
done by Comibol? -

it tells me that they may got into some
side cracks veinlets -
for the uper main vein has been mined in
the past -
to deep for the children miners without -
the modern proper mining equipments -

still i would only consider what Comibol found -
is a good indication which can lead FMNJ down to -

the real treasures bellow the old workings -
when FMNJ hi-tech state of art modern mining
starting to do the discoveries -

to me - that's why FMNJ has been called in -
for Comibol needed help to get back -
to the old real treasures deeper down? -

the Comibol miners with old equipment at
the best has only been mining the swarm of
narrow fissures veins close to the top ? -
considered to poor for the old spaniards -

consider Cerro Rico as an uplift of powerful
intrusion volcanic activity which has cracked
the earth shale -

the mineralization often the richer the deeper
down the mining goes and most smaller veins leads
down the the trunk -
often looks like a tree -
still the trunk est. in a wide crack can continue
for tens of miles -
still look like a tree with branches at the top -
the branches becomes veins and swarms of smaller
fissure veins etc. at the top -

The San Miguel vein - in the northwest
quadrant of Cerro Rico de Potosi,
approximately 1,600 meters in length with
a width that reaches 2 meters -
has been traced of - comibol?

recoverable reserves of Silver -
as estimated in COMIBOL's report-
are 154,011 Kilos -
done only with minimal shallow
drilling -

should be considered only as the indications
described above -

Zinc and Tin are estimated to be recoverable
in economically significant quantities and are
to be included in the Joint Venture's
operating plan -

its all there but deeper down -
were the real treasures are still intact for FMNJ -
JV-venture -

RE: Recoverable reserves of Silver -
as estimated in COMIBOL's report-

Note. take it with a grain of salt -

1. We don't know to what deepth they
been drilling - i think 300' maybe? -

if they don't care about safety -
they don't care about reserves? -

the kids eye-ball the mineralization
and chipping away with chisel -
hammer in best case? -

FMNJ - normal drilling in the US -
goes 3000' down - that were the values -
often start to become richer -

today we mine to 20000' deep in SA and
below use of hi-tech robotic control
from the computers at the office -
can run all mining equipment etc.

Cerro Rico, or “Rich Mountain” -
The Worlds Richest Silver Mines -
has been mined for nearly -
- 1000 years.

The Cerro Rico - is still there -
have they got 1000' - 5000' deep -
the most about 75% of the Richest -
mineralization is still intact -
they got to much sniff on the
treasures - 666 - guarded?

FMNJ - its time for modern state
of Art hi-tech mining -
to get to work, boys! -

Cerro Rico -
well, that rich at the top -
the mineralization will be super Rich -
at deepth not weathered -
richer the deeper down we go -

Franklin Mining, Bolivia -
- making history -
In God We Trust.