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06/11/15 1:33 AM

#2161 RE: Huckleberry6 #2158

Personally, I think it was to force investors at a very desperate time to stay the course because there was no revenue coming in. It does spawn a lot of mistrust; as was mentioned by some of the veteran GTXO investors that have gone really long on this one, because it financially straps individuals in on their investment into the company.
But what has changed is again, the two big strategic partners who have made pretty significant investments into this company for a pretty significant piece of the pie. Doing any foolish dilution with those two entities on board may cause their whole operation to shutdown completely. This is not very likely as the last 10Q had illustrated very significant revenue vs what has been experienced in the past.
I believe that when the next 10Q (probably coming out late July/early August) comes out, we will all see a balance sheet that tells a very different story of this company's future. A future that is no longer seen as questionable; but rather, a future that is bright and prosperous that makes investors ask the question, "when is the perfect time to sell because I don't want to miss out on this opportunity?" I am hopeful.



06/11/15 2:06 AM

#2162 RE: Huckleberry6 #2158

GTXO's Patents Score a Perfect 10 (Million $$$ that is...)
It's their patent portfolio that was estimated to be worth $10 million:

This may not be true. It may be worth much more than that. Read the GTXO patent summary:

Anything that is tracked via GPS using a tracking device with triangulation capabilities, diagnostic relay and can be remotely accessed are all within scope.

Now, look at Amazon's patent application for drone delivery:

Notice the filing dates and approval dates? Possibly a minor oversight on Amazon's part maybe? GTXO's patent is not even included in the references portion of the Amazon application. I think that GTXO may know this as we just started selling GPS tracking for drone applications. What if these patents were to fall into the hands of one of GTXO's strategic partners...I don't know, Samsung? Could they use a cut of Amazon's sales if the drone delivery passes? I think so, but it's all just a theory.