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07/09/15 12:31 AM

#39070 RE: Bloodhounder #39066

Well, talk about a blast from the past! It must be very rewarding to see that your work back in the 90's finally paid off. I'm not going to go into detail in public as the Grable's still monitor all the boards, other than to say you had these crooks figured out 17 years ago, but no one listened. I have most if not all of the materials and posts from SI archived. Funny stuff that Dickie and IMDS attorney interview.

Linda has almost a personal IRS 7500000 tax lien on her for pilfering the employee with holding funds. I do not see how she isn't in jail. She is suing IMDS. Can you believe it?

VARY interesting that Ponder and Hummer are now suing IMDS after all these years. What possible contract indebtness can they claim?

The entire "sale" of IMDS to some Chinese accountant operting out of a strip mall in Orlando stinks to high heaven. I have my theories based on DD done, but again not sharing here.

If you thought they were sleazy back when you were investigating, it was nothing compared to the last 10 years. They outright scammed investors with lies and hired scum promoters who threatened to shoot people on message boards. I'm still holding out hope that the entire clan see justice for their crimes, but I doubt that will ever happen.