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06/10/15 10:07 AM

#92883 RE: Cee-It #92880

It would lead me not to invest

I don't think that the intent was to convince one to invest but rather show where possible "inadequacies" exist.

Blessings to All



06/10/15 12:35 PM

#92904 RE: Cee-It #92880

Thank you for confirming what I had suspected concerning your trip. I understand and respect that NDAs will prevent you from giving details. I just love to see where each company is and try to predict how they will do based on that. If I just had a bit more money lying around, I could be a part of it rather than just watching from the sidelines and being a minor investor in the only publicly traded company in the business. Maybe I can get in after the IPO of some of the companies, but I won’t be able to make nearly the amount from it then as I would at the current stage.

I do believe that KBLB still has a lot of potential and am not planning on getting out just yet, but I am keeping a very close eye on all potential competitors and try to assess and verify all information given from all sources, both positive and negative. After all, it is still a chunk of my retirement on the line. I agree and realize that there are some decisions made by Kim that I don’t fully understand the need for, bit I honestly believe that many of them are due to the CSC agreements or him wanting to maintain control of the direction of the company. I don’t believe that he is trying to outright lie or scam anyone, but I realize that he needs to maintain a share price to minimize dilution and maximize the income from the financing agreements, so I think he is purposely vague when speaking about the setbacks to prevent the drop of the share price that may happen if he comes right out and bluntly states any bad news.

Good luck with your charity and your future investments!