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06/09/15 12:48 PM

#234408 RE: DesertDrifter #234407

Even though I know Cruz is an idiot this is so ridiculous it's hard to believe he actually said it.

So this is not from the Onion?


06/21/15 7:23 PM

#234649 RE: DesertDrifter #234407

Ted Cruz Calls For Vatican To Fire Pope Francis

June 18th 2015 [with comments]


John Hagee Calls For “Prosecuting Women Who Say God’s Name During Intercourse”

June 15th 2015 [with comments]


'That is one of the filthiest, most derogatory and sinful uses of the Lord's name I can think of': Women who cry out God's name during sex should be jailed, pastor says

New law? Pastor John Hage said that women who shout God's name in vain during sex should be jailed and that blasphemy might seem 'petite and insignificant' compared to other issues in the world, but 'that's precisely the problem'.
• Dr John Hagee, founder and senior pastor at Cornerstone Church in San Antonio, said blasphemy doesn't get enough attention
• He pointed to sections of the Bible in which the book denounced the taking of God's name in vain
• He said 'there is no greater sin in terms of wrongly using God's name' than when a woman uses it while having sex
• Hagee did not explain what the punishment, if any, would be for men using the Lord's name in the same situation
21 June 2015 [with comments]