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06/09/15 11:19 AM

#59953 RE: Hutch726 #59944

Hutch, I called them long ago as part of my due diligence on how the pinksheet market works. The lady I was corresponding with was nice enough to explain certain things and when the conversation got more specific, she put me in contact with one of their lawyers.

It's always being said to trust no one with regards to what they post on message boards unless they provide a link. Good advice. Well, I don't have to provide a link to the Finra website. That's easy enough for people to find themselves.

People can either believe what they read about shorting or they can find the truth themselves.

But if someone is serious about playing QEDN, it behooves them to know how shorting works and why it's not present in QEDN the way it's portrayed to be.