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06/05/06 2:37 PM

#35963 RE: Jimmy Joe #35956

Major does not neccesarily mean good. EOM.


06/05/06 2:55 PM

#35965 RE: Jimmy Joe #35956

Jimmy Joe:

Here are my answers to your post.

<<Sanoman while the stock price "does not lie" it is you who must remember that this is an OTCbb stock. It is not Wyeth
Merck or Astra Zeneca nor is it on the NASDAQ NYSE or AMEX.>>

A: Yes, I am aware that this is an OTCbb stock. I have been invested long enough to see them have an 'E' on the end of their ticker symbol several times.

<<The price will fluctuate like this with companies who have yet to record revenue who are start ups and who must choose this exchange as a start to bigger and better things.
This is not a slam dunk by any means. There IS risk asscociated with this stock.>>

A: Obviously, this is an extremely risky investment. I am prepared to lose the entire amount and it won't affect my retirement. However, a price drop of 50% signals more dilution and more uncertainty about the eventual outcome. Not good things.

<<IF you are disenchanted with the SP perhaps you should consider looking for something else. Nothing happens overnight in this sector. Things take time and problems
are a constant that must be factored in.>>

A: There you go again (the editorial you all) giving investment advice with the "if you don't like it, sell your shares". Once and for all let's get something straight. I don't mind the share price at 91¢. At this price, I am up on my investment 136.21%. I have 7500 shares at 13¢/share in a ROTH IRA. Would you sell those? Like I said, I have no problem with the current price. I have a problem with the decline in the share price and the lack of confidence I have in management to save the day.

I can afford to wait and see what happens. So I let my investment slip so I just double my money. I can live with that. I won't like it. I thought this company had way more potential, but I could live with it.

You have been here for only a short time. I have seen several "earth-shattering" discoveries just go by the wayside. You should understand my skepticism or at the very least allow me to hold that opinion of management.

<<If you run a company maybe you and Arnold should throw your hats in to run this one. I am sure you would find out that there is much more to running this type of company then what appears on the surface.>>

A: I have offered on many occasions to take over CYGX. Unlike the current management, I would get people who know what they are doing to run the show and I would just oversee the execution. If the prospects are that great, then even an idiot like me can make it work. That is, unless something is really wrong with the herpes cream. At least I would hit the floor running with experience.

<<I happen to like the fact that there is silence. I do not like other potential competitors to know what will come next.
I like to keep them guessing.>>

A: The kind of "silence" that CYGX deals in is not healthy. A perfect example is the lack of follow up to major announcements. Let's take the herpes/rats study. CYGX announces that there will be conclusive results in 30 days. At least 60 or more passed and we never heard a thing. That is bad. Let's also take all these timelines and projections for INDs. Sure things happen, but to leave your shareholders hanging like this is bad.

As for the competition, let me say this. We see fluctuations in the share price long before any announcements are made. What makes you think that competitors can't get this information just as easily as the markets get it? Remember, no one is going to remember the company that came in 2nd place in the race for a cure. (or Syn DNA for that matter.)

<<As Houndish has posted jokingly CYGX may release something
very good soon. It could happen at almost anytime. >>

A: Even a broken clock is right twice a day. Broken military clocks are only right once a day. (Houndish, this is not meant as an insult to you but as a jab at all the prognosticating that goes on.)

<<Will it have to do bird flu? >>

A: Revenue or a bank loan is the only thing that will make the SP soar.

<<Keep em guessing.


Take Care,



06/05/06 3:47 PM

#35969 RE: Jimmy Joe #35956

This company now has a CEO, COO, and a CFO . . .

(all of whom are on the BOD, BTW), plus a VP of Product Development, an in-house counsel / patent expert, and soon a Director of DNA Production.

That's 6 management people to produce nothing yet. Does anyone have a clue what all of these people could possibly be doing?