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06/06/15 11:00 AM

#17586 RE: BulloftheWoods #17580

CEO Michael James, IT'S DO OR DIE TIME! Not sure how you can sleep at night, knowing how you have screwed over so many with these incessant blunders. You have one shot left and I doubt you can wait until Tuesday. Come Monday you have to reveal the details surrounding your last PR that mentioned a new partnership to handle the sales and promotional activity for Nulief.

What you have done here borders on what I believe to be possibly somewhat illegal and definitely immoral. You suckered all of us into believing that Nulief would see a real launch behind the big launch event that you put on, but instead all we saw was distribution into a single dispensary, 4 weeks after the launch event. To date there has been no other announcement of additional distribution, but Kras has continued to tell various press sources that Nulief was available in multiple dispensaries, and even went as far as telling one source that Nulief was available in numerous dispensaries in various states. How is that even legal? If it were a single source, I may have believed it was due to some confusion, but multiple dispensaries was quoted by three different outside sources who spoke with Kras about Nulief. Then in your last PR on May 27th, you too mentioned the word dispensaries in this quote of yours "Nulief is the first branded CBD supplement line. It is currently in test market at dispensaries."

You have completely destroyed your faithful shareholders who supported you through thick and thin. You stood by and let Jim Kras, CMO & President, take this company down the tubes since being named president a year ago, due to his personal interest to expand his brands, Bikini Ready and Slim Trim, that he sold to the company 2 years ago, when he was hired as CMO for Inergetics. The two of you engaged in one toxic financing deal after another while not delivering on any of your brands.

Worst of all, to date you wasted the biggest opportunity that you had worked on for the past year.

-You created an admiral Scientific and Medical Advisory Board to assist you in creating the very best CBD products in the market. This resulted in the creation of Nulief, a CBD product derived from Hemp obtained outside the US, which is legal to sell and transport in all 50 states.

-You created an excellent delivery system by utilizing gelled capsules to encapsulate the Hemp CBD product you named Nulief.

-Then you created a great blister pack, perfect for the retail trade.

-To top it all off, you held a grand launch event to let the whole world know about what you created.

-Then you put the product on the back burner by putting it in a single dispensary after your shareholders demanded to see an actual launch of Nulief.

-But you did announce yet another big promotional campaign for Bikini Ready for this summer that would include more TV advertising shortly after the Nulief launch event.

Now, after your shareholders became livid over the one dispensary launch to date of Nulief, you announce a new partnership to handle the sales and promotional activity for Nulief, but failed to tell us who this partnership is with or let us know any of the details surrounding this new partnership. During all this we were subjected to additional toxic financing deals with Sason.

That is why this is DO OR DIE TIME! Shareholders are fed up with being kept in the dark while you fumble around with Nulief. Personally, I believe you are using stall techniques while you work on producing an initial product inventory for Nulief. So instead of being upfront with us about this, you tried hiding it from us by stating you have to additional test marketing of Nulief in dispensaries before you can roll it out to retail. That is just what I believe.

You stated to me in emails that you lacked the financial resources to launch Nulief to retail, but yet announced at the same time this big summer promotion for Bikini Ready.

Do you realize this share price collapse could have been avoided if you had just been upfront with your shareholders, instead of keeping us in the dark about what was really going on. If you had come out and stated that you were in the midst of procuring enough Hemp CBD to create enough Nulief product, your shareholders and the market would have been most likely to refrain from selling and wait for the actual launch.

How can it be that you work so hard and spend so much to get to this point with Nulief, only to fail at the most critical point of an actual launch?

How can you have the financial resources available to do another expensive Bikini Ready promotion when you haven't even did a real launch with Nulief after spending so much on the launch event?

Why do you continue to try and force Bikini Ready down our throats when all investors and shareholders are only interested in your CBD Initiative and Nulief?

Why do you remain silent after announcing this partnership for Nulief that did not even disclose who it was or what it all entailed?

Why do you keep engaging in this death spiral financing, knowing it will continue to destroy the share price into oblivion?

Last, but not least, How can you be so stupid to make these critical mistakes at the most important time for future success?

Those questions are the result of very poor management and until management can come clean and resolve these questions lurking over the stock, us loyal long term shareholders are surely doomed. Next you will be forced to do a reverse split to destroy any hopes we may have left. It will forever put a dark cloud over the company and its management. It will also destroy your management reputations, whereas, nobody will trust in your skills to successfully lead any company after destroying this one. You will just become another stinky pinky if you enact a reverse split. That is why I say it is DO OR DIE TIME!

Why not do what is right by putting out a PR that lets us all know what is really going on with the company? You would be surprised of what the results would entail! It is your last chance to instill any kind of confidence behind your CBD Initiative and Nulief. It is an opportunity to finally turn everything around and start a recovery in the share price. There are other financing opportunities out there besides Sason and if there is to be any hope for the future here, you have to stop this death spiral financing that will destroy this company forever. And that would be a dirty shame to see a company with so much potential to be destroyed by such death spiral financing. Michael James, you have a lengthy history in finance and you have to know this. I am aware that Sason has the first right of refusal until next year, but you have the experience to find a way around this to get better financing terms.

Is the end or is this going to be a new beginning? The only one's who can determine that is our management and though we may be on life support right now, we still have a small chance to recover from this Nulief blunder. What will it take? Here is my list:

1) Issue a PR entailing all the details of this new partnership, including the name, unless the partner wants to remain silent, if so then tell us, but it would quickly be known anyway when a Nulief launch would begin.

2) In that same PR, let your shareholders know what is really going on with the production of Nulief and give us a realistic estimated timeline, in order that we can start trusting in the company again.

3) Make some management changes to prevent this from ever happening again in the future. It is clear to us shareholders who is most responsible for this fiasco and they must be replaced ASAP.

4) Make your CBD Initiative your TOP PRIORITY! It is the only thing that investors are interested in and though your other brands are important, they should never come before your CBD Initiative.

5) Seek out better financing options. Get in touch with some of the Venture Capitalist who are seeking opportunities within the medical marijuana industry. Believe it or not there are plenty still out there and NRTI has the best CBD product in the market, which would interest them greatly. They will not come to you. You have to go to them!

There are definitely more things that need to change, but these are the most important and is what's needed to initiate a positive change for this company. This coming week will be the break or make moment for NRTI and it is up to you, Michael James, to step up and save the company. The clock is ticking and time is of the essence and I await to see how our CEO will act on this manner. To remain silent is not an option at this point and spells certain death for the stock if that happens.

Disclaimer: These are my opinions and view points based upon my past interactions with management, along with what has transpired to date. I am not positive that what I expressed here is 100% accurate, but it is my best guess, based on the events to date. Cheers!

Jim Kras is the Chief Marketing Officer at Inergetics. Jim was promoted to the additional role of President on June 25, 2014. Jim joined Inergetics in July 2012.