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06/05/15 3:15 PM

#25258 RE: Tom Swift #25257

Hey Tom,

It actually makes some sense when you think about it.

What's the only skill Harry Schoell has ever demonstrated any competence in?

Hint: it's not inventing, designing, engineering, debugging, developing, managing, innovating, executing or completing.

It's BSing people out of their money with promises of One Planet, One Engine.

For instance, one promotional video they made claimed the Cyclone will actually clean the air as it runs. Its exhaust will literally be cleaner than the intake air.

The Chinese are choking to death in their cities. Maybe some Party official would announce investing in Cyclone engines to placate the proletariat.

So why have Harry waste any more time working on those non-working engines for Combilift? He's never been able to make any steam engine run for more than, what?, minutes? After 11 years of nothing but failure what would he achieve in a couple more months before the doors close for good?

So, it's a forlorn hope, but have him work to his talent. Send him to places where he hasn't yet ruined his reputation and maybe shake some money out of the ignorant natives.

What else is he going to do?


06/06/15 11:24 AM

#25260 RE: Tom Swift #25257

Hi Tom - cannot believe the amount of life support that has gone on here. My guess is that they are trying o position the shell has having value in addition to what a shell is worth. Given all the encumbrances, however, that's a tough sell.

I heard of the main "perps" - Robin D. Moody (formerly Zuthan) and James C. DiPrima - many years ago. A fella by the name of Mark Renfro may have been involved as well in setting up Harry Schoell for a quick flip.

That one worked back in July 2007 and they have long since moved on. They are older now. DiPrima (S. E90th Street, Omaha NE), is at least 69 years old and Robin Moody (SouthEast Ohio, possibly near Dayton, formerly from Dublin, OH) has to be at least 73. They can't keep runnin' forever. Father time will see to that!