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06/05/06 8:49 AM

#407 RE: xZx #406

The Iran situation will continue to get worse. The indications is that our govt wants to have Iran. We have (3) carrier groups in the gulf, and the 101st and 82nd bomber squadrons are all in Iraq. The 4th Infantry division is in Iraq. These are the forces we want if we invade Iraq. Israel is in full emergency status (like Defcon 1 here). We have negotiated a nuclear deal with India because Pakistan has a military alliance with Iran. Turkey has been visited numerous times due to the kurdish section of Iraq. Iran is switching its oil trade from dollars to the bourse (Euros). If the straits of Hormuz gets shut down - No oil from Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, and Iran. Venezuela has already said if the US goes into Iran, the US will get no Oil. The US is already conducting black ops in Iran. This could get really bad.
