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06/05/15 3:08 PM

#106773 RE: To infinity and beyond! #106653

Some of us old timers have been here from ~$0.50 all the way to ~$5 based on faith. But it’s not blind faith like praying everyday. It’s countless hours of due diligences, some based on other facts.

Here’s some of the doubts I’ve heard over the years:
- Just because it works in mice doesn’t mean it’ll work in humans. Kevetrin is not going to reactivate p53 without being toxic to humans.
- The therapeutic dosage in humans is nowhere near the therapeutic dosage in mice, based on a simple equation (hi George :)).
- Single dose of Brilacidin is not going to match Daptomycin. Hypertension will still be a major side effect in Phase 2b.
- There’s no way Leo can acquire PolyMedix this cheap. Something is very suspicious.
- Reverse split!

I’m sure there’ll be more doubts along the way. They are not going to scare me. I do DD everyday and I know what I own. When you have done enough DDs, then faith becomes confidence.

Faith not facts