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06/07/15 11:31 AM

#45271 RE: d4diddy #45242


You said:

""Brumfield is a horrible public speaker, he should not be allowed to give interviews, it reflects badly on the company. A simple and obvious fact.""

Geez there are lots of shareholders who made a show in person to hear Mr. Brumfield handle the questions that come from people. It would benefit anyone to listen to him take and answer questions.

Can anyone imagine how the Cdex office phone was ringing off the wall when he took over the reigns? Mercy, the Cdex house was on fire.

Every Angel has heard the man handle himself in very bad conditions, and these accredited investors (means they are worth one million plus) are more than pleased with the man "THEY" chose to run Cdex.

You said:

"Stop trying to justify it. Deal with it. "

LOL, there is nothing to justify, Mr.Brumfield handles each and every situation that comes along. He did not run out and replace himself when the THREE self indulgers tried to bankrupt the company. Instead, he got out in front of the situation by contacting all note holders and legal in case there was a problem. The Angel investors were watching this unfold for months before the due date, because Mr. Brumfield anticipated and was ready, if issues happened. This is what real leadership does. The note holders were not called the night before due date, they were called months before the due date, the attorney was not called after there was a problem, he was called way before there could be a problem, and the Angel investors were not notified the day before the note was due, they were kept in the loop months before the due date. Mr Brumfield "deals with it" way before there is a problem, that way, he is ready when the problem arrises.

You said:

Also, he shouldn't use words that he doesn't understand. I was appalled.

Mr. Brumfield is the leader of Cdex Inc, there is nothing about that that is hard to understand.