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06/04/15 3:07 PM

#17487 RE: TAP38B #17485

Looking like the end of the line... how can we get money to operate without massive dilution... what do we do... maybe hope for a buyout at a penny... I put an order in at 0.0015... probably should pull it. Put $4,000 in the last month, starting at 2 cents. Chasing a falling, falling knife. Really falling. But it's not worth selling at one tenth of what I paid, or 0ne hundredth of what I paid for shares earlier the last couple years. My worst investment ever... Why in the world would I try to buy $400 worth today... don't know. At one 100th of what I paid before, seems like a knife catching gotta do it. Bet then... I could use a few hundred dollars elsewhere. Good luck guys. I have no idea where this is going... but it does not look good. After being down $20,000... why cash out at $500. That's the dilemma.