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06/08/15 2:24 PM




06/22/15 9:38 PM


It would not surprise me to see new lows next few days or maybe couple of weeks yet on TC.
Just giving my honest thoughts & analysis here. There is still plenty of risk to downside yet in short term. I personally would not be accumulating this over and over again as time goes on towards new lows, but I know there are those who like to do that downhill average down spiral trap.
Additionally, when you look at the sectors it is in (industrial metals & precious metals, etc.), there could be even more risk based on that alone between now and early July.
My thinking is waiting on sidelines has been good so far since early June, and that 'erroring on side of caution' today seems correct yet going forward.

and certainly I've got no regret trading out of it on that last spike to 1.10s in early June (along with directed same to my followers).
That said, I'll be more interested for possible re-entry if this goes down to new lows again, preferably under .80 in terms of seeking an oversold point.
I could change my mind at anytime based on latest data & trading, but that is my speculation of likely movement yet in the short term.