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06/02/15 9:42 PM

#29983 RE: nucklebones #29982

We can only hope so. Let us see if librarianlover is correct:

Here is my delay theory: Telefix needed to secretly take out flood water and dry the office out on Monday so they haven't had the time to make any business. They knew that even saying they were flooded out would have made investors crap their pants so hard the stock would be at 8 right now.

As you mostly all know the flooding in Texas and Dallas was some of the worst ever seen.

Check the weather from the last 3 days though:

Sunday was rain
Monday was overcast they could have taken Monday to do some catchup work and also buy dryers and all the other stuff to clean out flooded businesses, sump pumps etc.
Tuesday (IE TODAY) was sunny and 99 so Dallas begins to dry out, all the furniture of TeleFix is moved back inside and all that administration goes on, people need to be served and old messages are caught up on.

Wednesday will go like this: Mezaun and the crew get in contact with Verizon and they decide on a good time, there will be a phone tag until about 4pm EST and after trading there will be a PR or Facebook post about the date.

Thursday Verizon will verify it and they will have the date set for either Friday at 9AM EST again OR Monday at 9.

The conference call will not be your typical BS session but is closer to a true conference like a E3 or Science Presentation level with both Verizon and Telefix in the room showing off the new COPS software and how much Verizon has faith in Mezaun they might even give some venture capital etc.

If all goes well and it impresses and Verizon gives them platinum rating confirmed, don't see any reason why TLFX shouldn't be at least 65 but possibly a penny pps. Also I expect by Wednesday pps will fall from 1 penny to 60-70 pps so be warned.

Thats my prediction anyway thanks for allowing me a first post this has been such an interesting website, full disclosure I am in this stock 1 million shares.