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06/02/15 10:23 PM

#22976 RE: RockoTaco #22974

I think most on this board are longs and everyone is entitled to their opinion. I have been invested for over 5 years and believe in this company but investing in companies can be frustrating. I know we were all thrown a curve ball in November and the lack of PR's from management has also been frustrating. We all have money at risk here and you can't knock elcaribes for voicing his opinion. There is still risk here and many of us(myself included) have purchased/overweighted ourselves in this company because we believe in the idea. It all comes down to execution by management now. This board should also be open to let shareholders vent instead of calling them bashers or telling them to sell there shares and go away. That is not cool. We all know management should be doing a better job of PR's/IR and promoting this company. If they have an ACE up their sleeve that we don't know about then that's another thing but their lack of transparency has been outright obvious. We are all in this together and hopefully it will pay off for everyone but to bash a frustrated shareholder and to not look at the risk involved if management doesn't execute is ridiculous. There is no guarantee in this investment and a lot of us bit off more than we can chew because management said "we're on track...yada yada yada" Take off the rose colored glasses and give the frustrated longs some credit for voicing their opinions and frustration:IE..Honeycomb/Elcaribes.