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05/28/15 10:50 PM

#20481 RE: stockpro3434 #20478

Bagholder excuses. When you're money is in the gutter, and you've invested months of emotional hope on a stock...all you have left is, "But...but...but....Hoorah, long and strong!" and regurgitate flimsy "facts".
It's easy to ignore the stark negative reality and only see the illusionary dream.
Maybe, Paul swindled us. Maybe, things are just not working out (like they do for MOST startups) but, geez...don't be so stubborn that you can't change course and take in the facts both pro and con.
I'm keeping my eye on this, to maybe buy back in. Because, I'm not a bagholder who loaded the boat, too much HDSI, and now have no choice, but to repeat the same tired cliches with ragged pom-poms!