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05/28/15 10:13 PM


I agree with both of you. We have DD done here by many who have been to the heart of this operation and back - literally. We know what we own. The critics are just that - critics. Their DD consists of sitting behind a computer screen and throwing rocks. It would certainly be a lot easier to wait if this was at $10. The lack of interest and lack of demand is annoying, and there are probably several reasons why that is, including but not limited to;

-our CEO who just spent the last 12 quarters blowing smoke up the tutes behinds and never delivered on any promises
-a little backwoods company of unknowns/industry outsiders who have developed industry changing software all by themselves - too good to be true!
-no bankers because no IPO done
-reverse take over of a mining shell on an exchange known as the Wild West of stock markets
-no mainstream coverage....yet
-no high profile analysts....yet
-possible reluctance to jump in due to potential serious unresolved counterfeit short situation, and a group of highly motivated and very trapped shorts.
-Rome wasn't built in a day

SE or JFM are correct. One announcement could change everything overnight. Don't want to miss that. Even if that doesn't happen, we are 3-4 quarters away from major revenues clearly that will take us much higher. #hatethewait but #wortheverypenny UBOL.